Hello and Happy New Year! I hope this post finds you all well in the new year :) It's been awhile since our last post, so we have quite a bit to share.
First of all, you may have noticed one of the pictures we've posted where Braden is going to be a big brother! Yeah! We are all very excited. We're not quite sure what all Braden understands with this new concept. He tells us that Mamma has a baby in her belly and daddy has donuts in his belly :) The little one is due to arrive June 1st. We are scheduled to have some detailed ultrasounds coming up on January 19th. I will have a fetal echo done along with a level 2 ultrasound to check that everything is a-okay (I have about an 8% greater risk of having another kiddo with a CHD). We were also able to get Braden in for a clinic appointment as well. We will have lots of questions for Dr. Cava as B's next appointment will be for an MRI or heart cath to prepare for his Fontan. We're still looking at June for this to all happen, so things will be a bit tricky with the newborn and surgery to happen all in one "shebang".
Rich and I were able to have a very relaxing holiday break and enjoyed spending quality time with Braden and family. We stayed here this year for Christmas and enjoyed every moment through Braden's eyes. He squealed with excitement every chance he saw Christmas lights. I think he was in shock Christmas morning when he laid eyes on all the gifts Santa brought for him. He especially loved the little Kitty Kat snowmobile Uncle Nick fixed up for him. We were also able to head up north to spend some time with Grandma Patsy, Papa Greg, Auntie Marci and family. It snowed EVERY day we were there, and one of the pics shows an enormous snowman built as a result of the snow they get up there. We arrived back home on New Year's Day and have enjoyed relaxing before heading back to work and Grandma Lois's tomorrow.
What has Braden been up to? For a couple months now braden has been doing a great job "pooping" on the big boy potty. He tells he has to go and does a great job sitting up on the "big potty." He's only fallen in once, but that has not deterred him. Let's see what else this kid will do for M & M's :) He's dancing up a storm, loving "karate chopping" daddy, bossing around the dog, pretend playing with all of his cars, trucks, & Diego, and singing whatever song comes to mind (even making up his own lyrics). Everyday is so much fun to watch him continue to grow and develop his little personality. He is quite a spit-fire though as the fun 2 year old can have his "moments". Daddy learned the hard way that he has to move the grocery cart far away from the aisle when shopping. Braden had rifled about 8 bottles of BBQ sauce in the back of the cart by the time Rich had picked out one jar of peanut butter :)
Another picture I included are Braden and his two year old cousins in Packer sweatshirts. We took and posted pics of these boys in Detroit Tigers outfits back when they were just 6-9 months old. Their mom's (who are sisters) are pregnant again, so we'll have another round of newborns by June :) Terri (Ivan's mom - he's in the middle) is due to have twins, so the Trombly side of the family is definitely growing. Tricia (Jacob's mom) just had her baby boy Drew last week. Congratulations Tricia, Jeremy, and Jacob on your new addition!
Thank you all for your prayers for my friend Shana, and thank you to those who have sent her a special message on her Carepage. She is handling her treatments well and is extremely postitive. Our God is GREAT! Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers. Her carepage name is: ShanaCAKEupdate Again, thank you for lifting her up in prayer.
We hope you all had a blessed holiday season and will look to embrace 2009 for all the milestones and precious memories the year will bring.
Steph, Rich, and Braden