Talk, talk, and more talk
Where'd it go?
Go, go, go!!
Can I play too Papa?
Big Muscles...
Wow! Has it really been a month since we've updated? It's amazing how quickly time does fly. We are happy to announce all of the new things our growing boy is doing these days. First of all, "No" is being said a little too's funny because he phrases it like a question..."NO?" He loves to run up and down the halls yelling, "Go, go, go!" If someone or something is out of sight, he throws his little hands up and goes, "Where'd it go?" Where dada go? Where mama go? Where aunta go? Speaking of Aunta...Auntie Marci came down to visit this past weekend. Upon returning from Mexico, she taught Braden to say, "Hola Baby!" We had lots of fun with her, and she couldn't get over how much he has grown and how funny he is with his little cute little phrases and new words. He was not liking the March snowfall yesterday and started to yell, "No mo hnow" (can't quite say his S's yet). He has also stated how much he's liking food these days by saying "mmm-mmm chicken" or "mmm-mmm eggie." He still rules the roost around here and lets us know it. Whenever he wants my immediate attention or if I'm doing something he doesn't approve of, he gives me a stern look and says, "MUM! MUM!" until I cooperate :) Last but not least, we are very proud of our little man as he is learning his letters. Thanks to Grandma Lois and Leap Frog, Braden can point to and say almost all of his letters. Our favorite is "Doubleda" for "W." We're so very proud of Braden as he is teaching us, the sky is the limit :)
Not much else is new except to shout, " WE WANT SPRING!" Cabin fever has definitely settled in, and we're anxious for warm weather to arrive. Basketball is coming to an end as Rich wraps up his 5th season with the Hornets. We are anxious to travel to the U.P. during the Easter/Spring Break vacation. As most people are traveling south, we're heading north...go figure! We just had Braden's 18 month appointment with hopefully our last round of RSV synagis. He weighed in at a whopping 26 lbs...who-hoo! Our next appointment is with Dr. Cava April 7th. We go up to CHW for a routine echo and check up. We were also invited to a parent education day at CHW hosted by the Herma Heart Center. We are very excited to attend this event and hopefully run into some of our heart families.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Solgos family on the adoption of their beautiful little girl, Sitota. We would also like to congratulate Shana and Scott Kinney on the birth of their precious little girl, Mia. We cannot wait to meet their new additions.
Please keep Rich's Grandpa Stevens in your prayers as he is recovering from a neck fracture and surgery. We pray that God's healing hands surround him and the entire family during this difficult time.
Thanks for checking in,
Steph, Rich, and Braden