Baby Braden Petska

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Busy Day.....

It's been a busy, but good, day for us here. Braden got his feeding tube out this morning, so hopefully he can keep up with the amount he needs to eat each day on his own. We're so excited to see that tube gone :-) The doctors are so impressed with his weight and size. Heart babies, on average, usually don't come in Braden's size . He's about 8lbs 12oz now. Our new little neighbor boy is in the 6-7 pound range. It's amazing that just two pounds can make Braden look like a moose compared to his little peanut roommate. He just keeps getting cuter by the day. He's already throwing his little charm around, making the nurses fuss over him all day. He got to go on his first walk today. I was able to just carry him around the 4th wires or tubes attached!

Last night, he got his big IV taken out (the PICC line), so that was the last attachment detached. We're starting to learn how to take care of him when we go home (they still haven't told us a target "going home" date). We're going to be trained on how to use his scale tonight. We will have to weigh him everyday when we go home. His weight will be the deciding factor on when surgery 2 will be. Supposedly, when the weight gain starts to taper off is when his body is letting us know that he's ready for surgery two (this means he's outgrowing the shunt that was just placed in his heart). This could be anywhere from 3-4 months of age.

I witnessed his first smile yesterday...too sweet. These are the moments we're definitely enjoying.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph - I'm so excited for you & Rich - that you're finally getting to be hands-on parents! Nothing will ever compare to that little boy smiling up at you. I read your blog before work this morning and left the house with tears in my eyes - you have a wonderful way of expressing your feelings, and I thank you so much for sharing Braden's journey with all of us. My love & prayers for the 3 of you, Auntie Chris

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephanie - This message was the best ever!! What a joy it is when all the foreign objects are no longer present even though thanks have to be given for the hi-tech care that can be given now. Every bit of progress is a wonderful step towards home and all the comfort and security that it brings. I think of you, Rich and Braden (love that name) often - give that sweetie of yours a hug for me. Bless you, Kay

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph- just wanted to let you know that at two months of age Chloe out weighs Braden by one ounce. I am so glad to hear that things are going so well for your little fighter. I can't wait to get our two little ones together, so we can see how much bigger Braden is. Good luck with everything. We love you all.

Sarah, Mike, Cody, and,Chloe

1:33 PM  

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